Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions
Below, you will find many answers to questions that we frequently encounter. Take a look at our 'Anesthesia Glossary' as well, which explains the key terms related to anesthesia.
Ho to prepare your child for an upcoming surgery?
Discuss topics like anesthesia, doctors, and surgery with your child in an age-appropriate manner. Speak positively about doctors and treatments. With preschoolers, for example, you can "play through" the upcoming situation with a toy doctor's kit and a stuffed animal.
Provide a list of recommended books for younger children and links to websites for older children, if needed, to help them understand and cope with the process.
Do not trivialize the treatment. This includes talking about pain that may occur after the surgery. Try to suppress your own nervousness. Have confidence in our skills and experience. While the operation is an exception for you, it is our daily work.
Allow your child to bring their favorite stuffed animal. Inform us about any special quirks or habits of your child.
In Switzerland, we offer unique initial consultations for children in their familiar environment at home, free of charge. This is primarily to relax the child before a treatment.
If a surgery is imminent, please contact us.
For a complete overview of anesthesia in children, you can refer to the provided information.
Anesthesia - Why outpatient Surgery?
In the case of outpatient anesthesia, unlike inpatient surgery, you only leave your home environment for the operation itself. The operation, pre-treatment, and post-treatment are carried out by your familiar primary care physician and the operating specialist. This avoids the frequent change of treating physicians that is often common in clinic treatments. Therefore, medical control always remains in a few competent hands. Unlike in a hospital, you know your surgeon personally.
It is possible to wake up during surgery?
You can be reassured: Throughout the duration of the surgery, the anesthesia team constantly monitors the depth of the anesthesia, which can be very precisely adjusted thanks to modern anesthetics.
I am very afraid of not waking up from anesthesia.
General anesthesia is safer now than ever before in history, and its tolerability is constantly being improved by new research findings. For physically resilient patients, the risk of complications during anesthesia is very low.
Why did I feel cold after previous anesthesias?
Feeling cold (shivering) after waking up from general anesthesia is one of the so-called "little-big problems." These are issues that have a minor medical (little) but significant personal (big) impact on you. There are many possible causes for shivering after general anesthesia, and certain ones that we can influence. We strive to minimize heat loss in the operating room/practice OR by covering you as much as possible, except for the surgical field. By administering medications towards the end of anesthesia, we can largely suppress the uncomfortable shivering.
Is there a risk of feeling nauseous or vomiting after anesthesia?
Nausea and vomiting after anesthesia (PONV) also count as "little-big problems" and, according to surveys, cause the greatest concern for patients. Therefore, a PONV risk assessment is conducted during the pre-anesthesia consultation with the anesthesiologist, allowing the anesthesia regime to be individually tailored to you. PONV prophylaxis thus begins even before the operation. A step-by-step plan for quality assurance has been developed, starting before the operation. It assists in selecting, combining, and timing the various substance classes used for the prophylaxis and treatment of PONV.
Overall, the problem of vomiting has become much less common with the move away from anesthesia using inhaled anesthetics to exclusively intravenous anesthesia.
What should I bring to the operation and what should I consider?
Please bring comfortable clothes for the journey home, as you will most likely be wearing a bandage after the surgery. If your child is being operated on, don't forget their favorite stuffed animal. Please help us maintain hygienically impeccable surgical conditions. Shower on the morning of the operation day. Wear fresh underwear and loose, comfortable clothing. It makes our job easier if you do not wear makeup, face creams, or nail polish on the day of the surgery. For operations on the hand or foot, please cut your nails short and clean them in a soap bath. Please organize your return transport after the operation in good time. You will not be fit to drive and will need someone to accompany you home. It is important that you have someone to take care of you at home who must stay with you the first night.
Why am I not allowed to eat or drink before the surgery?
During general anesthesia, not only consciousness and pain perception but also protective reflexes (e.g., swallowing and cough reflex) are suppressed. There is a risk of stomach contents entering the windpipe. The consequences can be pneumonia or lung damage. The fasting rule also applies to procedures planned under local anesthesia!"
Who can I contact if problems occur after the surgery?
We are available for you constantly during the first 24 hours. If you experience pain that you cannot manage on your own despite our instructions and provided medications, your treating physician or surgeon are the best points of contact. Please ensure you have the relevant phone numbers readily available. The same applies to fever, discomfort, as well as nausea and vomiting. Do not hesitate to contact us; we are here for you.
When does the anesthesia preoperative discussion take place?
One to three days before the surgery, as this gives you the opportunity to reflect on what was discussed and sleep on it for at least one night.
Am I allowed to take my medications on the day of the surgery?
Please discuss the intake of medications with the surgeon as well as during the preoperative discussion with the anesthetist."
Can I undergo surgery with a cold?
It is possible to perform outpatient surgeries even with a mild cold, especially for pediatric procedures. However, this depends on the type of surgery and your potential pre-existing conditions. If you have a cold at the time of your surgery appointment, we kindly ask you to contact us by phone one day before the procedure. We will be happy to advise you on a case-by-case basis.
When can I leave the practice/clinic?
In general, you can go home two to three hours after the anesthesia. The prerequisite for discharge is that you feel comfortable and all essential bodily functions have returned to normal.
Can I drive home by car after the surgery if I feel fit?
No. For traffic and insurance reasons, you are not allowed to drive a car 24 hours after anesthesia, even if you feel capable.
Will I experience pain after the anesthesia?
When can I eat and drink again?
In general, you can start drinking again once you are fully awake after the anesthesia, and if you tolerate it well, you can resume solid food after leaving the practice.
I am over 70 years old - am I too old for outpatient anesthesia?
There is no age restriction for surgery with outpatient anesthesia. What matters are your pre-existing conditions, the type of procedure planned, and your physical fitness. In a comprehensive preoperative discussion, you will discuss with the anesthetist which medical care is best for you.
Why do I need a companion for the way home?
After surgery, you are neither fit for business nor fit to drive for the first 24 hours. Therefore, it is important to refrain from driving or using public transportation alone during this time. Additionally, we advise against signing any important documents during this period
Why should I not smoke before and after the surgery?
Smoking produces carbon monoxide, which binds to the red blood pigment. However, the red blood pigment is supposed to transport oxygen throughout the body. When a part of the blood pigment is occupied by carbon monoxide, it can, under certain circumstances, lead to insufficient oxygen transport through the body. This oxygen deficiency can also lead to disturbances in wound healing and increase the risk of wound infections.
Additionally, smoking stimulates gastric acid secretion. Despite adhering to the fasting rule, this can lead to a significant accumulation of gastric secretions and consequently an increased risk of complications during anesthesia induction."